Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Six Weeks!

Oh Eli...six weeks already! Where has the time gone...and can you please slow down?!?! I kind of miss my tiny little newborn already :) I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. You were awfully precious in your Christmas outfits (3 to be exact...well plus all the Christmas onesies!). Here's a picture of you in your Santa and reindeer sweater and awesome dress pants! You were quite the cutie, and very well behaved at Mass.

For a baby, you did pretty well in the gift category! Uncle Jude spoiled you with a bunch of cute clothes for when you're a little older, can't wait to get you into your stylist new jeans. And Aunt Kim and your cousins got you some fun toys to play with. Overall you did pretty well baby!

It hardly seems like six weeks ago we were getting ready to leave for the hospital for you to be born. I really can't remember what life was like before you got here. And well with how cute you are, and what a wonderful cuddler you've become I don't know why I would want to ;-) We managed to make it through the first six weeks without any major trauma to you, me or your daddy! We've had a few issues with reflux...but with the help of your wonderful pediatrician I think we've finally figured it out. You're a much better eater and a happier baby...which makes bedtime much easier! Although we've had challenges with reflux, you definitely don't have a problem eating...we went to the doctor last week and you weighed in at 11 pounds and 14 ounces...quite the little chunker! The doctor says we have nothing to worry about unless you stop gaining weight and that we have to remember you were a big baby to begin with! I'm a little sad that we've already had to start weeding out clothes because you're getting too big for them, but we all know you have PLENTY of clothes!

Mommy is not really looking forward to going back to work, because I hate to leave you all day! But I'm going to enjoy the next three weeks of time with you. A bittersweet of the next few weeks is that your daddy will be home with us! And you'll get to spend a few weeks alone with him after I go back to work. Unfortunately he's getting a one month layoff for January. It's nice because we'll get to spend all sorts of time with him, but being off work is never a good thing!
I can't believe I'm already saying this...but you can slow down whenever you want! Love you baby!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

One Month Already?!?!?

One Month!
11 pounds 1 ounce
22 inches!

Oh Eli...where has the time gone? I never believed it when other parents said it went by fast...but it does! It's been a challenge but such a joy, we're learning to trust our insticts and realize we know you better than anyone!
We weathered one goopy eye which was just a blocked tear duct and we're now dealing with reflux. Last week we couldn't figure out why you were stuffy and spitting up so frequently and why our normally good sleeper had disappeared, so we took a trip to the doctor who suggested we switch your formula...that worked for a while until you got constipated. I never thought I would be so thankful to see poop :) We ended up putting you on medication which will hopefully make you feel better and eating a little less painful until you grow out of this.
You're a very relaxed and happy baby. You love looking at the ceiling fan and being held so you can lift your head off our shoulders and look at us. Reading is one of your favorite things to do, which makes mommy very happy! Daddy likes to tell you about all of the things you're going to do together when you get bigger. If you ask me, it sounds like he's preparing you for chores ;-)
You're getting so big already and part of me wants to say SLOW down...but more of me is excited to hear to coo more and see your personality continue to develop.
Love you sweet baby, can't believe you've been here a month already!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Where does the time go

What daddy and I are calling your first "official" smile
This is a common Eli pose

Serious look, getting ready to head out

Not a fan of your mommy's photo shoots!

Where has the last three weeks gone baby?!?! It's hard to believe that three weeks ago tonight daddy and were laying in bed talking about our last night alone in the house before your arrival. And now our little turkey has celebrated his first Thanksgiving!!!!

As expected, you're pretty good at doing what most babies do best...eat, sleep and poop! But we'll take it, because you're such a good baby!

I discovered how much you LOVE being read to and how much you like being told you are loved! You're starting to smile a little bit when we talk to you. And daddy's convinced it's just a matter of time before you start "talking" to us...you pucker your lips up and look like you're really trying to find your voice.

My favorite thing right now is your little squeaks and whines while you sleep...it's like you know we're watching you and just thought you'd make a noise for us :) Daddy noticed tonight you would start to cry and then open your eyes to see him standing over you then stop...quite the little attention getter, but that's to be expected!

The jury is still out on who you look like. Tonight I thought for sure you looked like a Carter! But other times you look just like you daddy. You definitely have your dad's chin and nose. And lately your eyes have been looking mighty blue. But that hair, mommy is taking ALL the credit for your hair!

We did take an unexpected trip to the doctor last week, your eye was getting goopy (official medical terminology kid!). Turns out you were a little stuffy and had a blocked tear duct. The doctor assured me that this is normal for newborns and we're taking good care of it and it's already clearing up! We weighed you at the doctor and you're a CHAMP, you weighed 9 pounds and 12 ounces, quite the little chunker, but you scrunch your face up when I call you a little piggy :)

We're looking forward to a couple more quite weeks before Christmas, we might have our first snow storm this week, we'll see if it turns to snow. Aunt Caitlin will be coming home soon to meet you for the first time! I can tell you're excited about this every time I tell you about her!

We're also starting to get this sleeping thing down a little better, still working on it though...mommy could use your help with this! In the mean time, we'll just keep enjoying EVERY minute with you!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy 1 Week Birthday!

Visiting Grandpa
Meeting Lisa!

Mommy's Snuggle Buddy!

Rolling your eyes at mommy already!

Sweet baby Eli~
Well we've all survived one week since your arrival!!! You might think it's a silly thing to celebrate, but every moment you've been with us has been such a blessing, even with all the new things to get use to!
You had a pretty exciting day...we had your first visit to the pediatrician. Your doctor is Dr. Zmiejko with Children's Health Care. The wonderful thing about Dr. Zmiejko is that he was my pediatrician when I was a child. It's comforting to have someone I know and trust looking after your health.
You weighed 9 pounds last Tuesday when you were born, when we left the hospital on Friday you were 8 lbs 2 ounces. Which is o.k. because babies usually lose weight after birth, well the goal is to get you back to your birth weight by two weeks. Today you were 8 pounds 10 ounces. So we're doing good with the weight gain! Everything else looked wonderful the doctor said. We're scheduled to go back when you're a month old.
You also got to visit your Grandma and Grandpa in Lexington after the doctor. Mommy enjoyed being out of the house so much, we decided to take you up there for a surprise visit! They loved seeing you :) Too bad you slept the whole time! But don't worry, we're headed back up there for Thanksgiving so you can meet your Aunt Tracy and Aunt Kim, Uncle Rich and cousins, Addison, Devin and Zachary. I'm excited for you to meet Zachary since he was convinced he would be dead by Thanksgiving when you arrived...for a 5 year old, it was just too long to wait!
Then "Aunt" Lisa came by to meet you for the first time! She snuggled with you and we tried to get you to wake up for her so she could see your pretty (what I think are) brown eyes...but you wouldn't. But guess what, you woke up and played with mommy and daddy for an hour and a half after she left! And you enjoyed bath time tonight...we'll, I think any baby would enjoy being wiped clean with a warm wash cloth and getting a little massage with baby lotion! But you did really well :)
We had a little trouble this weekend when we brought you home. We were SOOO thankful for the help Aunt Emily offered on Friday when we came home and Grammy and Aunt MacKenzee were also helpful over the weekend. Unfortunately, we decided to switch you to formula over the weekend. It was a very difficult and emotional decision for both mommy and daddy, but for whatever reasons mother nature just didn't have it in the cards for us. Dr. Kutsche thinks maybe it's because of the c-section, and that because I didn't go into labor on my own my body hasn't quite caught up hormonally with what happened. While we had hoped to breast feed you for at least a few months, both daddy and I must say you are a MUCH happier baby now. And now that mommy has had time to deal with the emotions that came with that decision, we have a much happier house.
We're working on getting you on a schedule...we'll see how that goes. At this point you're sleeping pretty much ALL the time :) Of course that's expected. We are blessed that you're sleeping for 3 to 4 hours at a time during the night. Mommy has been trying to get daddy on a schedule too, since he's going back to work on Friday. I have to keep telling him when to go to bed, he just wants to stay up with us all the time! Silly boy, he'll learn!
Here are some pictures of your one week old birthday! You discovered your swing...don't let the silly look on your face make you think you don't like it...you often roll your eyes at me!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eli's Here!

Eli Carter Mayhew

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

12:23 p.m.

9 pounds even

20.5 inches long

Healthy baby! Couldn't ask for more :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life as we know it...

Today is November 16...in 24 hours, I will be lying in an operating room waiting for you to be born. It's hard to believe that it's already here! It's so exciting and overwhelming at the same time. On one hand I can not wait to meet you and hold you and love you more than I already do now. On the other hand, I am scared out of my mind and worried about both of our health and safety, and wondering how I'm going to know how to take care of you and if your dad and I are going to be good parents.

I joked a few months ago that if people had to go through the childbirth classes first no one would have babies. Then I told another girl who is pregnant and about two months behind me that birth is nothing to worry about that you get to a point when all of your reservations disappear and you're just ready for the baby to come because you're uncomfortable. Well I think all of those fears about giving birth disappear and suddenly it becomes all about you and the life you knew changing forever.

Life as your dad and I know it is about to change entirely. And I know and trust that it will be for the better, that you are the best thing that could ever happen to us, but it's such a big, scary step. In one day, you'll be looking up at us and depending on us for EVERYTHING! It seems so insignificant when you're talking about having a baby with the person you love more than anything in the world. And you spend 9 months taking about the perfect name for you, and how we'll raise you, and the life we dream of for you. We talked about discipline and laughed about you saying your first swear word. And daddy dreams of the day he can take you hunting and the first time he'll teach you how to ride a bike. And I look at this man I've chosen to be your father and am completely amazed at the faith and trust he has in me to be your mother. And you begin to wonder if you're worthy of the love you are going to give to us. I already know that I love you unconditionally. While it was such a shock to learn that you were joining our lives, it has never been anything but amazing...and now, instead of giggling when you kick me, I'm going to have you in my arms and it's just a little hard to believe that the Lord has picked your dad and I to lead you through this life.

Peanut, you should know that every doubt your dad and I have are because we love you so much. I promise to you that no matter what, we'll be here for you. I can't promise life will always be easy and that you will get everything you want. But you'll be loved by daddy and I more than you will ever know. I know that there will be days as you get older that you'll hate the food we make you try, or tell us how uncool we are, or get mad because we tell you no, but it's all because we love you.

I know tomorrow when I look at you, everything in this world will be right and you'll suddenly become the most important person in the world. And I can't wait for that. We're lucky parents to be so blessed with you...and I can't wait to watch you grow up.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Almost Birthday!

Six days baby Mayhew, six days and you're going to have to join the "real" world!!!! And guess what, we're MORE than excited for you to get here :)

We had an ultrasound today and you're still measuring a little bigger than expected and after a VERY long conversation with Dr. Kutsche, we've decided to go the C-section route. After weighing the pros and cons, this is our best option for both your safety and mine.

It was a little overwhelming at first, but I think the more and more we talk about it, the more it sinks in. We can not wait for you to be here and feel very confident in the plan we've made and very confident in the doctor, hospital and the care we've been and will continue to receive.

We have a few finishing touches to put on things around here to make sure we're ready for your homecoming, but everything you need to come home is in place. The fire chief said your seat in installed in the car nice and snug and not going anywhere, and your bed is ready, and I've packed you a few outfits for your homecoming, depending on your true size. We'll post pictures of your pretty face as soon as we can. (Daddy is going to find the software disk for the cell phones so we can upload those photos too).

I was going to post pictures from your ultrasound today since we saw a few good face shots, but when we looked at the pictures we realized the tech gave us 3 pictures of your "boy" parts!!!! No face pictures. She got confused when trying to find the print button and must have printed the same one 3 times. I'll try not to embarrass you before you have a chance to show everyone your pretty face ;-) But I will be saving it for your graduation board.

I'm glad you're doing well and still moving a lot (even when the fetal monitor is on and you're punching it!!!). And we know you'll love everything you have here and all of the people that you'll meet who will shower you with more love than you know. And promise me you'll take it easy on your dad for a while...he's a little nervous you won't like him ;-)

We love you baby...see you SOON!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

And we wait...

November 4th Doctor's Appointment...not much of a Decision Day, but more of "Here's a Plan Day...well as much as you can plan for a baby day!"

We met Dr. Kutsche yesterday. Mom and Dad were really nervous because it meant no more JoJean who we were so comfortable with and a new nurse, which was a little nerve racking too because Jennifer is so wonderful. But we had NOTHING to worry about. First because JoJean and Jennifer both checked on us while we were on the fetal monitor and because Jennifer took us into the exam room and took my blood pressure and stuff, and JoJean sat in while we talked to Dr. Kutsche. Daddy and I were thankful for the slow day (and that daddy is so friendly that they liked us enough to still care a lot about how we were...they were excited to hear about the "plan" for you too!). You would appreciate Dr. Kutsche too...he was very friendly and very thorough. He went through our whole pregnancy, asked us a lot of questions, explained a lot of things to us. But he told us we're waiting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the "PLAN"
Mom is off of work...not so much "bed rest" but no work, take it easy, etc. My blood pressure creeped back up there, so he decided staying home was best and he increased my blood pressure medication for the next few weeks.

Friday...mom is taking a 24 hour test and
Saturday...mom has to go to the hospital for test results and for a fetal monitoring session (which I LOVE because I get to sit and listen to your heart beat!)
Monday...going to office for fetal monitoring again
Wednesday...hospital in morning for ultrasound THEN doctor's office in afternoon

At our Wednesday appointment, we'll talk about the ultrasound results and see how big you are at that point. My body and you are not ready for delivery. So if next week you're bigger than 10 pounds we're going to schedule a c-section (my pelvis isn't big enough for a 10 pounder...sure didn't get that from grammy!). If not, unless you're in distress, we're going to wait for you to announce when you're ready.

So that's the story babe! We're sorry to disappoint all of your fans with "no" news about your arrival...but at this point I can appreciate the fact that you're the most important thing in the world right now and not just Daddy and I want the best for you, but the amazing team at the doctor's office is focused on you too!

We'll keep everyone updated!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My very BIG baby....

Dear Peanut...

Thank you for making the entire doctor's office chuckle today after they picked their jaws off the floor. Thank you for making all the "predictors" right. Thank you for making your mom cry in Jimmy John's.

Today we had our 36 week check up and an ultrasound. We have been seeing JoJean since our first appointment, she is a nurse practitioner. At 36 weeks we knew we would be seeing her for the last time and begin seeing Dr. Kutsche for the remainder of the pregnancy, most likely 4 weeks. Then Dr. Kutsche would deliver you. WELL baby Mayhew...here's how our last appointment went with JoJean...

Arrive and have our ultrasound. The ultrasound tech tells us you are FOR SURE a boy, she comments on how big your head it, tells us the fluid level looks good, placenta looks good...oh, looks like he's a little big but still good. She then begins taking a few pictures for us to have as keepsakes. Which I would post on here IF you were cooperative. We have a picture of your cute little, still very skinny feet. And a profile picture that you can KIND of tell you have mommy's nose. And well, we managed to get a picture of you STICKING YOUR TONGUE out at us! Yup....you'll hear this one over and over, you put your fist up to your mouth and licked your hand a few times, then turned your head and stuck your tongue out at us! Nice manners kid ;)

So then we get mommy's weight, we go potty, we take the blood pressure. Jennifer, our nurse leaves and comes back because she forgot something in the room...she giggles and says she knows how big you are and then leaves again. So enter JoJean...

Well, you're quite the baby. JoJean is laughing and tells us that you are good, healthy, everything looks good, BUT you are currently weighing in at 8 pounds and 11 ounces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!?!? On Tuesday, we were 36 weeks...today you measured 39 weeks. On top of that here are your other stats:
Your head circumference: 42 weeks
Your abdomen: 41 weeks
Your femur: 37.5 weeks
In August you were in the 6oth percentile for growth
Today, you measured in the 90th percentile.

Chances of us making it to November 24, your due date, are VERY SLIM. While the placenta looks o.k. it is beginning to break down and show signs you're ready. So here's the game plan...
Next Wednesday, November 4, we have an appointment to go on the fetal monitor at the office for an hour. Then we'll be meeting with Dr. Kutsche. Chances are at that time we will schedule a date for induction. JoJean said because you're my first baby, we'll give it the old college try and attempt a natural birth...however because your HEAD is SO big and mommy's pelvis is NOT...we might be looking at a c-section. It will really depend upon how you're doing....but you'll probably arrive before we reach 38 weeks because of your size!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it Peanut...in two weeks you might be sitting next to me on the couch while I post pictures of you for all of your fans! I'm a little overwhelmed, but SOOOO excited for you to come. I have faith and trust in God that He will take care of us and everything will work out according to His plan...even you being a BIG baby ;-)

Love you baby....see you sooner than we expected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

We're ready for you and you have a name!

Peanut...we're getting SOOO close! Can you believe it?!?! Daddy and I can't! Tonight we finished our child birth classes, I'm not sure if you're ever really prepare, but I think we're ready. Daddy is pretty good at the relaxation techniques and SUPER good at the massage stuff we learned tonight! The nurse commented on how low I was carrying and saying she didn't think we'd make it until the 24th. And JoJean has been saying that all along too...so, we're making sure we're ready for you around here.

This weekend we purchased your crib mattress and the weekend before that daddy spend Saturday putting together everything we got...the crib, swing, pack and play among other things. And he surprised me by putting up shelves in your closet! Now we just need to organize the closet. We managed to get the changing table organized and you now have your own special space in the bathroom. We bought the most perfect glider to spend time in rocking you and picked up a book case from your cousin Dakota!

Wednesday we have our regular appointment and our last ultrasound. We are so excited to see how big you've gotten and hear predictions about your arrival. We'll make sure to update your fans after the appointment.

Your daddy is leaving me this weekend, for a little road trip. He's headed to North Carolina with Uncle Ryan. Uncle Ryan bought a truck down there and he and daddy are going to go down to pick it up. Daddy's pretty excited about hanging out with him and spending a little time relaxing before you arrive. So, while I'm ready for you to come if you could wait until he comes back on Sunday at least, I'd appreciate it.

I'm hope this weekend everything will be cleaned up and organized around the house so I can take some pictures and post on your blog.

AND, thank you to everyone who voted to name you. Daddy and I have picked a name, a name we think is PERFECT for you and that we've loved all along. We're still keeping it a secret, but I would like to let your fans know that only 4 of the names we posted in the poll were names we were actually considering. And we did not pick Holden or Moses...sorry, we know Holden got the most votes and the Moses was Grandma Carter's favorite...but we settled on your name. We're also going to keep it a secret until you arrive, just on the off chance that you DO NOT look like the most perfect little *&# but more like a perfect little &#^@!%!!!

Say a special prayer for Aunt MacKenzee, she's having surgery on Friday...and Great Grandma Middleton who is flying back to New Mexico on Wednesday...and Grandma and Grandpa Mayhew who are driving back this weekend! They all need angles to watch over them!

We love you baby...and we're ready when you are :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our first worry

Oh Peanut...this morning was our first minor scare that you were headed our way a little earlier than expected! But thankfully, we were able to get into the doctor right away and reassured that everything I was experiencing was normal and that you were still perfectly protected and not ready to make your debut :) So happy about that!

We did schedule our next ultrasound for two weeks for today. That's where we'll find out how big you are and what everything looks like to prep for your arrival. Hopefully you're still in about the 60th percentile for growth so we can let you come in your own sweet time and don't have to worry about induction or c-sections.

Daddy and I are taking Childbirth classes, we had one on Monday night and are headed back to the hospital the next two Mondays for more education about preparing and caring for you when you arrive.

There is still so much to do before you get here! It's overwhelming at times. Daddy and I are focused on making sure all the necessities needed for your arrival are in place. Hopefully early next week we'll have your car seat checked and in place! And then there is all of this other stuff like making sure mommy's office is clean at work and everything is in place before she leaves and completing the insurance paperwork so we're not broke when I'm off :) But I know it will all get taken care of and if it doesn't it wasn't that important!

Daddy has been reading to you every night. I love it and I'm pretty sure you're enjoying the sound of his voice. He really wants you to get here so he can show you all the neat pop up books and touch and feel books you have! But for now, he's settling for reading. So far, Barnyard Dance is your favorite I think, with the Sesame Street Nighty Nighty book a close second....not sure if you were just sleeping already or if green eggs and ham didn't sound appetizing to you :)

Keep dancing away baby, we can't wait to meet you, but after this morning, I'll be patient and wait six more weeks.

Love and kisses, mommy

Monday, October 12, 2009

Holy Cow Baby

Oh Peanut...I know you heard all the commotion yesterday :) We had your baby shower, which was very exciting and overwhelming at the same time!!!!

Your aunts, Caitlin, Emily and MacKenzee did a wonderful job planning the shower. It was at Fore Lakes and we had a yummy feast of some food mom's been craving (soups, fruit, salad with ALL the fixings). And aunt Tayna made delicious cupcakes for dessert!

We had such a great turn out of family and friends who joined us to celebrate your upcoming arrival! And yesterday evening we spent time going through all of the gifts and sorting them. We're so thankful that we such amazing and generous friends and family who got you so many GREAT things! You'll be a clean, dry little guy with all the diapers, wipes and toiletries you received. And you'll FOR sure be the most stylish baby with all of the clothes you got (SOOOO CUTE) and hopefully not nearly as sassy as the onesies your aunt Caitlin brought home for you! And you'll be warm and snug during this cold winter with all of the beautiful blankets and a few specially made just for you (Grandma Mayhew, Aunt Betty and a friend of Grandma Mayhew's made)! And then there are the TOYS! Holy moley baby, you'll be amazing at all the lights and sounds and crinkles and such. And of course, there's your daddy's "man" stroller...which is a bigger version of an umbrella stroller that he plans on taking you for lots of walks in this spring and summer (I'll just have to remind him that we'll need to stop by the Boucher's house then walk over to the Taylor's house to show off the present!). And you'll be happy to know that you have a killer swing to relax in, a jumper roo to strengthen your legs in, a bouncy seat to calm you in and a johnny jump up to hang out in. OH and a play pen to keep you safe while you're still little. And not to mention so many fun things for tummy time! And most of all, I'm sure you'll be the SMARTEST baby ever since you have a BEAUTIFUL collection of books now! We're truly blessed.

Daddy has started to read to you, since you have a small library now. I think you really enjoyed your first book...The Barnyard Dance! Can't wait for Daddy and your aunt Roo to teach you to clap, stomp, quack and cluck along with the story!

You're a lucky baby and we are the luckiest parents in the world to have you joining our family in 6 weeks!!!!! Love you baby :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A brief moment to remember

Baby Mayhew...today is October 1. It's an important day, today would have been your great grandma Carter's 85th birthday. Unfortunately she passed away...but I wanted you to know she was an amazing lady and for the short period of time she was in your mommy's life she loved us more than you could ever imagine. I am confident that you'll feel the same love from all of your grandparents that your mommy felt from her (maybe one of them will even share some pickle juice with you, like she did!).

Say a prayer for her today...I know she and all of your great grandparents who passed before meeting you or your daddy are going to keep a good eye on you from their seats in heaven.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

8 weeks and counting

8 Weeks Peanut...8 weeks! Well at least we hope only 8 weeks. We'll take what you give us as long as you're healthy, and I might regret saying that when it's 9 but I'll try to understand if you want to take your time and appreciate the fact that you're healthy.

We had a check up today and got GREAT news...I do not have gestational diabetes! We were tested early at 18 weeks because of a family history. Then at 26 weeks we had the 1 hour glucose test, which came back 9 points higher than the cut off...so a week and a half ago your daddy and I went to the hospital for the 3 hour fasting glucose test. It was not fun Peanut, but today we were told that all 4 blood draws came back in the right range! No borderlines. It's a relief =)

We also talked to JoJean about lots of questions mommy had and now I feel better about pain options, pediatricians and a few other concerns. You sounded great, but were shy again, really active while we were waiting and still as a can be when we listened to your heart, but it's beating strong at 144, then just as crazy again once we were done putting you on the spot. I wonder if this means you're going to be a shy baby! I also got a flu shot...just the regular flu shot, the H1N1 shot is not available and they aren't sure they'll get it. I'll tell you all about H1N1 when you're older and we look through your baby book.

Daddy spent the evening with Johnny Smith staining your dresser! I can't wait to see it. It's at Johnny's house drying and he's going to put the finish coats on it later this week. Hopefully we can have it all set up in your room by the end of the weekend. Mommy is planning on doing A LOT of your laundry this weekend so you'll have fresh clothes when you come home. We're also hoping to set up your crib this weekend. We'll see if that happens, but I'd like to done so after your baby shower we can put stuff away and not have to sort stuff twice!

Speaking of baby showers...yours is right around the corner, which means A LOT of people are going to be visiting and I'm so excited for you to hear their voices for the first time :) Grandma Middleton (who was affectionately named GGMa by Dakota) will be coming on Oct. 7 for 3 WEEKS! I am very excited about this, hopefully sometime before you're one we'll be able to see her either in Port Huron again or in New Mexico. Also, Aunt Caitlin is coming home from Maryland...I haven't seen her since the weekend we told her about you! And of course Aunt Emily will be driving down and Aunt Tracy and Aunt Kim will be driving up =) And to top off all the excitement, your grandma Mayhew is also flying in for the weekend! So on top of your out of town guests there will be a lot more people joining us to celebrate!!!!! Daddy and I are excited to see everyone, it should be a fun time.

We're slowly getting ready for you, but every once in a while (o.k. more like 10-20 times a day) I wonder where the time went! We have lots to do, but I'm confident we'll get a lot done this weekend, and we have a carseat for you! And a stroller that matches, which I'm afraid because of your impending birth day, will be stored for a while! And I didn't realize how much I had, but you have a VERY sizeable wardrobe...I can't wait to dress you in all the cute little clothes!

I'm glad you're growing well and we're on track...and remember if you want to come a little early, say in 7 weeks, we'll be ready by then! Daddy and I can NOT wait to meet you and see your precious face.

Sleep well my little break dancer

Friday, September 18, 2009

We need help!

Well baby Mayhew...

We're going to ask for some help...which I'm sure won't be the first time we do :)

We need a name for you...a least the list narrowed down! We've already decided to wait to pick your official name until we meet you, but it would be kind of hard if we met you with a list of 10 names to whittle down when we see your precious face. So we're asking all of your fans to help us!

We've created a poll on the side bar of your blog to allow people to vote on which name they like best...pretty cool idea, huh?!?!

So let the people at it...and if you have a comment about the names, please feel free to leave one in the comments section after this posting. We know for sure the baby's middle name will be Carter (Aubree's maiden name)...so keep that in mind while you vote!

Thanks for your help =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oh boy, oh boy

Well, we've been neglecting your blog Peanut...so it's time for an update. I was hoping then next post would include pictures, but that's going to have to wait!

We're getting closer and closer to your arrival. We're just 11 weeks away! And can not wait. We had our ultrasound at the "Big House" and thank you for being so cooperative. And thank you for giving your father something to smile about. He was very please when the ultrasound tech repeated "yes, those are his boy parts!" We're so excited about welcoming our little son soon!

We had our follow up doctor's appointment today, and JoJean reassured us that you were PERFECT! You're growing well, still in about the 60th percentile for growth and your heartbeat is strong. Unfortunately my blood sugar test didn't come back as we had hoped. So I am off to the hospital for a 3 hour fasting sugar test. Hopefully it comes back o.k. and we can escape gestational diabetes. My blood pressure is VERY good though, so that's a bonus. JoJean said several times she thought it might be earlier than 11 weeks...while I'm excited to meet you, I'm also very nervous, so feel free to come when you're ready ;-)

I have a consult with an anesthesiologist tomorrow to talk about my options for medication during delivery and should we need a c-section. I'm super nervous about that!

We go back in 3 weeks, then it's every 2 weeks until 36 weeks when we'll start going every week. It's getting so close. I've already scheduled my time off. I'm going to start my time off on November 16, hopefully to get some rest before you arrive. If not, I'll gladly spend that time with you. I also officially picked the doctor that will be delivering you today. JoJean can only see us until 36 weeks, so after that we're going to see Dr. Kutsche.

We've got the house ready for you...just need to get your room in order. Grandma Mayhew bought your crib when she was home last, we just need to put it together. And daddy is going to get started on your dresser soon. You'll have some history when you get here, your dresser was your Grampy Carter's when he was little and then mine...and now it will be yours. Daddy is going to sand it and refinish it so it looks brand new for you! Aunt Caitlin also sent home all of your bedding with Aunt Emily and Aunt Roo when they went to visit.

We're having a baby shower on Oct. 11 too! Both daddy and I are excited to see lots of family and friends and to share you with them! We're going to take your pictures in and maybe even print your little blog out to share.

Daddy has been singing to you lately, and talks to you a lot now. He likes to sing the I'm a little teapot song, but replace teapot with peanut. If you're short and stout, blame him :) He's also getting quite bold with the things he's saying to your mommy...he's lucky I have a sense of humor! Lately he's told me my swollen toes look like vienna sausages, and when he was trying to feel you kick he told me my belly jiggled when you kicked. And just today when the nurse was making our appointment with the anesthesiologist and she told her my BMI he whispered, that means you're a little chunky! Silly daddy, he'll learn soon enough :)

Well sweet Peanut...we're going to head to bed. I'll try to get pictures posted of your room soon! We love you and can't wait to meet you!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Big House

It's been a few weeks since we posted anything...mainly because of limited access to a computer and exhaustion. But I guess it's time to update your fans about you my little peanut. However, that nickname may be changing soon to my sweet little hellian :)

So we're off to the "Big House." First don't get excited because I didn't get you tickets to see the U of M football team play in Ann Arbor. Second, don't get scared cause I'm not taking you on a tour of the jail :) We're headed to St. John's Hospital in Detroit for yet ANOTHER ultrasound.

Yup...third time wasn't a charm. Apparently the first two times there were 5 things the ultrasound techs couldn't measure (brain and heart stuff). Yesterday, at least we got measurements and were able to see important parts of your brain. And we were able to see your heart, just not the four chambers. SO...on we go to the biggest, newest, baddest machines the St. John Health System has to offer.

JoJean said yesterday that there is nothing to worry about, your heartbeat is strong, everything else looks good. And while I continue to call you uncooperative, some of it is your mommy's fault :-( Too much of my weight is carried in my belly, which I would like to optimistically say is adding an extra protective layer to you, but in reality is making the ultrasound a little more difficult. So the combination of you NOT moving at all and mom's tummy do NOT make for a good combination!!!

The good news, you now weigh 1 pound 14 ounces! And judging by what we saw on the screen yesterday...you have daddy's ROUND head and mommy's long, skinny feet! Seriously, you have a very, very round head and face and very, very long skinny feet! You are in the 60% percentile for growth. So you're doing great!

On the gender front, we didn't want to know at first, we were really hoping for a surprise, but we caved at that first ultrasound. And we honestly o.k. with not knowing what you were after that, but we caved again at the second ultrasound. So the ultrasound tech at the hospital said, "if I had to guess, I'd say it was a boy." Then proceeded to point out what would be your boy parts, but let out the disclaimer that it could be your umbilical cord. Yesterday the ultrasound tech at the doctor's office said "if I had to guess, I'd say it was a girl." Daddy and I laughed and told her about the hospital ultrasound and she and the intern proceeded to look quite closely at what could be your umbilical cord but maybe not. However, yesterday they were both sticking with girl! So...mommy and daddy have come to terms with our orginal decision and your assistance helping us stick with it :) We both just want you to be healthy. However, your little cousin Zachary is convinced that the baby in my belly is a girl and your name will be Elizabeth (because apparently he knows a beautiful girl named Elizabeth!).

On the home front...we're almost back home! We are coming close and just have lots of little odds and ends to finish up. We had so much help from some wonderful friends with painting. Jon, Blair, Alisa and Ninny came and wrapped the painting up in one day :) And grammy and grampy have been there an ENDLESS number of hours helping paint, clean, hang trim and light fixtures and keeping daddy calm :) And Ryan gave us a beautiful driveway! And of course Aunt MacKenzee prepared a great lunch for us (her food is always yummy). We're hoping to be back in this weekend, we are focusing on getting the living room and our bedroom complete then we can get back in and finish up your room! Next week when grandma Mayhew comes home we're going to get your crib!!!! I'll be sure to post pictures on your blog for everyone to see...it's just been hard getting pictures up since I don't have my laptop and camera accessories!

Take care my little wild one (cause you are quite the mover and shaker when you and I are alone and no one wants to feel you kick or take your picture)...and hopefully, we'll get to see you better next week!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

3rd Ultrasound Should be the ONE!

Dear Peanut...
We had another ultrasound last week at the hospital with the big, new machine...and well GUESS WHAT?!?! I'm sure you already know. We found out almost everything. But after our doctor's visit yesterday we discovered we need yet another ultrasound.

I understand keeping your privates underwraps...but seriously, your heart?!?! What gives baby? So in three weeks we're going to try again, two measurements are missing. And the only one I can remember at this moment is the fact that they can not get you in a position to see all the chambers of your heart. JoJean said she is not worried at this point because everything else looks good and you have a strong heartbeat, but we still need to check! At least this time I don't have to drink so much water.

And we caved at the hospital and decided to find out what you were...well the ultrasound tech said "well this could mean it's a boy, or it could just be it's umbilical cord." So thank you for keeping it a surprise. Daddy's convinced you're a boy, but I'm not so sure about that. Plus three different people have told me they were told they were having a boy and turned out to be a girl....

Another thing we need to talk about...I enjoy your kicking most days, it's a reassuring feeling. But I do not think it's appropriate for you to kick when the heart monitor is on my stomach :) Yesterday at the doctor's office every time JoJean tried to put the dopler on my stomach to hear your heartbeat you'd kick it away! Now I think you're just being difficult :)

So, I'm not ashamed to begin bargaining with you...this week your daddy and I began registering for your shower. Well, your daddy went a little crazy in the toy area and registered for every LOUD, flashy, toy there was. If we get any of these items...you can only play with them if the next ultrasound goes well. If it doesn't, I'm returning them and using the money to buy diapers! But I somehow have a feeling this is about where your mother begins to learn that she's really not in charge anymore.

On a different note, the house is coming along SLOWLY...hopefully we can paint this weekend, keep your fingers crossed on that one!

Rest well my little one...we'll be seeing your pretty little face in 3 weeks!

Love you

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Knock, knock...or kick, kick

On Monday night, daddy and I were at the house doing a few things before heading to Lexington and daddy was banging on a wall that needed to come down and I felt this funny feeling. Then it stopped, then daddy started banging again and the funny feeling came back. Then daddy came into the living room to help me with something and I told him, "I think I felt the baby kick." He stood up quickly and said "WHAT?!?!" And at that moment...another kick :)

It's reassuring to feel the tiny kicks. I appreciate you letting me know you're in there. It's especially nice to feel when your daddy is talking or signing to you or when I'm sitting in my quiet office.

Now...daddy just can't wait till he can feel too :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh sweet, beautiful, uncooperative child...

Yup, I'm talking to you! Uncooperative! When I meant we were excited to see your smiling face, I didn't mean for you to not show off anything else :)

Today was our "official" ultrasound where they make sure you're growing properly, that your heart is good, that blood is flowing through your body, take measurements, check placenta position and aminotic fluid level...and most times can tell what the sex is. Well my sweet child...thank you for at least allowing them to measure your head, spine and stomach. And that's it!!!!!!! And when she, let the student take over to just do pictures for your daddy and I to have, all we could get was your sweet (and I'm sure I saw a smirk on your face) face. Could barely get a picture of your foot!!!!

So we're off to the hospital where there is a better machine that will hopefully be able to take all of the measurements needed.
Here's what we did find out:
1. Placenta is positioned where it should be. GOOD!
2. Aminotic fluid level is good! Wonderful!
3. You are measuring at 19 weeks and 1 day...according to first ultrasound you should be 19 weeks and 2 days! Beautiful!
4. You weigh 11 ounces! Holy cow!
5. You do have two legs, two feet, two arms (although because of how you were laying and the fact that you decided to be lazy today, it was difficult to find the other one!). That's what we were hoping for!
6. Your heart beat is 156. Running the same and in a normal range!

Here's what we would have liked to know:
1. If all of the chambers of your heart have formed and there are no abnormalities or problems. Kid...your heart is important, we'd like to know this information.
2. Your brain. Apparently there was something about your brain we were suppose to find out today. Again this is important honey!
3. Crown to rump measurement...really I just want to know if you're getting any of Grandpa Mayhew's height :)
4. Sex...well maybe not really, but I wouldn't be opposed to you ruining this surprise :)
5. Blood flow from your umbilical cord to certain organs....again very important!

Here's the game plan:
In two weeks, July 15, your mother will be forced to drink all that liquid again in 1 hour (mind you, you will be bigger then, so it might be more difficult to hold it in!) and we'll go to River District Hospital where they have machines even little babies can't fool!!! Hahaha...your mother always wins ;-) Just kidding, the ultrasound machine at the hospital is newer and better than the machine at the doctor's office. You'll also be two weeks bigger so it should be more helpful in finding parts!

We also found out...We do not have to go back to the doctor for 3 weeks because my blood pressure is doing good. Today was a little high, but lots of movement and excitment before we took it. I gained 5 pounds...normally a good thing, but since you and your accompanyments only weigh just over a 1 pound, not so good. I am only suppose to gain 10 through the whole pregnancy. Overall though, not too much to worry about because I'm only 2 pounds over where I started when I first went to the doctor. And possibly the best news....NO GESTATIONAL DIABETES! Yet I should say :0 We were tested early because of a family history (grammy had it with all 5 of her kids). But my sugar level was 127 at 140 they worry, JoJean said it looked good. We will test again at 28 weeks, which is around when they usually test, just to be sure, but for now, we're good.

That's about all from the doctor's appointment today.

Your daddy is hard at work taking down walls as I type. He's been going at it for two hours so far. We've made it through three rooms and into the bathroom! I'm headed to Lexington now while daddy finishes up here. Tomorrow we're doing a walk through with Chris to talk about what exactly we want the house to look like. I'm very excited...although not too thrilled about making final decisions about paint colors (sometimes choices are hard!).

Well hope you're resting well in that warm little home of yours. I realized last week when I was at the dentist that when I go back in 6 months I'll have pictures of you to show off! I also realized that next week, we'll be 1/2 way through this.

Love you bunches, and I understand that it will be funny sometimes to give mommy and daddy a hard time...but if you could at least cooperate at the next ultrasound I would appreciate it. We want to make sure all your parts are functioning properly!!!

mommy :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well, your dad has done quite a bit of work at our house to prepare for you! At this point we've retreated to Lexington to Grandma and Grandpa Mayhew's house (with a short walk to the beach). The house was just too dusty and messy on Saturday after daddy, Grampy, and uncles Ryan and Jon got through knocking down a wall and taking out all of the plaster. And Daddy was hard at work again last night knocking down the wall in your room. Hopefully we'll be ready to start putting it all back together on July 6.

On Saturday night we also enjoyed the Port Huron fireworks...I hope the booming wasn't too loud for you, it was loud for mommy :) I've taken some pictures to share with you!

Today, mommy bought the new Rob Thomas cd...which I'm sure you're going to love, if not love then at least tolerate, because we'll be listening to it A LOT! I am hoping after my meeting tonight you and I can sit and watch the dvd I also purchased. Hopefully you'll get to hear RT live in a few months, if all goes as planned! And of course if the dr. says it's o.k.

And the registry process has begun baby...and let me tell you, I wish I could just be a millionaire and buy everything for you...it would be easier than trying to decide what I like the best so all of the other people that love you so much can buy things. Aunt Caitlin has already promised to buy you your cute little bedding that I have picked out. Hope you love looking at stars as much as mommy! Looks like this week while daddy is doing more demo work at the house I might take a trip to Target to speed up this process! And Aunt Emily has graciously taken "charge" of planning a baby shower for us...so all your Carter aunties will be helping with that :)

So tomorrow's a big day for us, we get to see you again. We have an ultrasound scheduled for 3:40 tomorrow afternoon. JoJean has promised us lots of pictures of your pretty little face. Daddy and I are both looking forward to this. And don't worry, I'll update all of your fans (which I would like you to know--you have quite a few!) as soon as I can! (probably Thursday) We're also going to find out if I have gestational diabetes. So say a prayer that we're clear on that front...and no, it's not too early for you to learn the power of prayer kid!

Get some rest for your big picture day tomorrow my little bell pepper. We can't wait to show you off! And maybe, just maybe if you dance around that screen enough we'll find out what you are on "accident" and then we'll discuss sharing that news with the world too!

I'll post pictures of the house so you can appreciate the cozy room you're going to be coming home to!

Love you bunches baby!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another good report!

Well baby, we were back at the doctor's last Wednesday and we received a good report! My blood pressure was good and your heart beat was strong. We set up our "official" ultrasound appointment for Wednesday, July 1. We'll take some measurements and get some pictures of you. If you want, you could be a show off and tell daddy and I what we're expecting...and of course we'll keep that a secret ;-)

We're deep in the process of tearing out the old bedrooms at the house to get ready for new ones :) We'll see how that goes...it's going to be a long few months!

We should have more of an update next week after we get to see your pretty little face again!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting better all the time

Hi Peanut!

Well we had our first appointment today after beginning medication. And WE DID WONDERFULLY! Mommy's blood pressure has been very good since I started taking the medication. JoJean thinks we'll be able to stop coming back weekly if all goes well next week. She said it looks like the medication is doing what it needs to do and that we've caught it early enough that there shouldn't be any further complications because of it. Which is a huge relief to all of us :) Of course we'll continue to monitor the situation to make sure further complications do not come up, but for now we're doing well. But then again, as your mother, I knew you'd be a fighter and help me out with this, you're my baby after all ;-)

I also got to hear your beautiful little heartbeat! Which is perfect of course, 156-160, which is in the normal range. It's the most wonderful sound in the world! I'm only sad that daddy missed it this week.

I also had my blood drawn today for another pre-natal test and received orders for my glucose screen, which we are doing early because of a family history of gestational diabetes.

In the meantime, daddy and I are busy packing up the house so we can get started on making it more suitable for you! We'll be tearing out the bedrooms and making two larger ones instead of three small ones, and we're also going to make the bathroom bigger, which will be wonderful when you get older since I'm convinced you're a little girl! (not that I'll be disappointed if you're a boy!) Daddy and I have everything pretty much ready to start, I just need to pick out a vanity! Choices, choices, choices! I think I enjoy it more when your daddy has more input!

I've picked out quite a few beautiful things for you that we'll be getting over the next few months! I'm very excited to get your opinion on the things (basically if you smile or sleep well in them I'll take that as a sign you like them!).

Well my little Apple (granny smith I hope;-)) lots of love from me and daddy, we'll be talking to you soon (daddy likes to talk to you at night!).

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My high risk baby

I know I was not the greatest child to my mother and I expected pay backs at some point...just not in utero :)

Well, JoJean officially said it yesterday, we are now a "high risk" pregnancy. We're high risk because my blood pressure is high. It was much better yesterday than it was last week, but the blood and urine work I had done on Monday show that my kidneys are spilling protein, which is not good because long term it could cause kidney failure for mom and a lack of protein getting to you!

So here's what's happening now...
We're going to the doctor every week now. And I'm taking a blood pressure medication daily. I also have to take it easy...which means no standing for long periods of time, no lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk, trying not to get stress, light exercise (walking that's about it),monitoring my blood pressure at home, watching what I eat (no salt!), and trying not to gain any extra weight besides what you weigh and your "accompanyments."

So that's the update for now. JoJean thinks that since we've caught the blood pressure early enough and we're monitoring it now you and I will both be fine.

I go back next week just for a check and the quad test which monitors for neural tube defects, chromosmal abnormalities, and more. Then in three weeks we'll have our official ultrasound where we get lots of pictures of you, take measurements to make sure you're going properly and the like. We'll also go for an early glucose screening for gestational diabetes because there is a higher risk for that also.

And at the official ultrasound we'll be able to find out if you're a boy or a girl, but we might as well put it out there now...WE ARE NOT FINDING OUT WHAT YOU ARE! Daddy and I have agreed (finally) that we'd like you to be the biggest surprise of our life :) Sorry to disappoint everyone, but we figured announcing it now that might save a lot of questions.

So that's all for now my precious baby! Stay healthy...mommy is trying to!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Appointment 3

Hello little one

We had our 3rd appointment today. Not so good :( We're looking at a high risk pregnancy...mommy's blood pressure was high. It was high last time, but not too bad, well today it was pretty high. So now we have to do a 24 hour urine test (yup...don't ask questions it is what is sounds like) and a blood test. Then back to the doctor next week. Chances are I will be put on medication to control my blood pressure. JoJean reassured your daddy and me medication is going to be o.k. and it is better for you and me to take medication then let the blood pressure go untreated.

The good news...we had an unexpected ultrasound! JoJean couldn't find your heartbeat with the dopler so we got to squeeze in with the ultrasound techs. And as soon as you popped on the screen you waved :) Unfortunately daddy didn't catch this. But you're quite the active baby, we got to see you move all over the place, so much that the ultrasound tech even commented on your activity! Daddy claims you mooned him ;-)

In four weeks we go back for a normal, at least I hope normal, appointment. At that time we will do all the prenatal testing for genetic diseases and do our gestational diabetes test. We're also going to have out official ultrasound...and at that time we'll be able to find out if you're a boy or girl if we want. We're still on the fence!

Love you!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I can't believe I forgot!

I forgot the most important thing about daddy's "staycation!" He will be planting the GARDEN! We'll see how the upside down tomato plant hanger works and his efforts to keep the animals out goes. But I'm excited, and you should be too, for all of the fresh veggies we're going to have! Tomatos, romaine lettuce, onions (mommy's favorite)-walla walla and red-, cucumbers, japalenos (ahh!), green and yellow peppers, green beans (o.k. maybe this is my favorite), and zuchini...and um, I think that's it! Anyway, look forward to some good fresh veggies :) And we'll have plenty to give away if anyone out there wants some!

Your first concert, daddy's "staycation" and the debate cont...

Well Peanut, I hope you are nice and rested, we didn't get much sleep yesterday. But I'm sure you were wide awake jamming last night...you enjoyed (at least I hope) your first concert! And in true Aubree fashion, mommy choose to take to to the classics first...yup, the Billy Joel Elton John Face 2 Face concert was your "first." It was wonderful :) Not feeling so hot by the time Billy Joel took the stage for his solo set, but at least mommy got to watch Elton perform and of course, he performed all of my favorites! Hope you enjoyed...I think daddy might have even enjoyed it a little!

Well, it's Memorial Day weekend (and your mommy's 30th! birthday...I will NOT be turning 3o this year, we are postponing it until next year so I can enjoy a margarita:)). We've got a lot planned. "Aunt" Lisa is moving today...don't worry, just into a house in Port Huron, so she'll be close...and daddy is helping her move, I'm going to supervise (sometimes growing you is a better present than you can imagine!). We're also off to Lexington to visit Chris, who is our contractor! (Side note, your father just got out of the shower...tmi probably coming...and stood in the middle of the living room and did his best Tom Cruise-Risky Business-pose and says "ROCKET MAN!" He really likes Elton. Silly I worned you!). We're headed to see Chris because we found out yesterday that we will be getting the MSHDA property improvement loan! Which means A LOT of construction going to be happening around here! We're getting all new carpeting in the house (daddy will like that since he doesn't like the laminate flooring in bedroom), you'll be gettting a brand new, never used by anyone, bedroom and we're re doing the bathroom! I can't wait to take a nice bath! We're also going to work on that bumpy driveway and the basement. So lots will be going on here. And then the rest of the weekend will be filled packing and purging stuff from the house to get ready to temporarily move out. It's a great excuse for some much needed spring cleaning. And we'll head to the Hilewsky house on Sunday for their annual Memorial Day party...maybe next year you can come too!

And...the best news of the day....I think I have convinced daddy to see "my" side of the great debate. Yup, you might just be the best surprise EVER! We'll see if he sticks to his guns on this one, but I thought of the best arguement for NOT finidng out this morning! And he said..."oh, that's a great idea, that might have just convinced me!" I'll keep you posted.

Keep growing little lime! Love you!!!


Monday, May 11, 2009

The Great Debate

Today you are 11 weeks and 1 day! I can't believe it...but I am still waiting for next week, when supposedly the magic switch flips and all of the morning sickness disappears. I'm hopeful, but not counting on it ;-)

There has been so much discussion about finding out what you are...even though we can't find out until mid July. Mommy says wait and let it be a surprise, honestly, how many true surprises do we have in our lives? Daddy says, "I need to know NOW!" So mommy is working on daddy, and daddy is working on mommy. So we'll see who wins out.

I know everyone says what about paint colors and all of the things you need for the baby...but here's something you should know about your mommy right now...I am entirely way too cheap to buy all cute pink and brown baby items or green and blue stuff, because if you have a little sibling, I'd like to use the same things for them! So who knows, you might just have a lot of yellow for your first few months...which isn't an entirely bad color :) I happen to look quite nice in yellow, so I am sure you will too!

Either way, your daddy and I have agreed on one thing, your name will be kept a secret. We have shared a few of our ideas with some people, but the official name will be kept a secret. One reason is we'd really like to meet you before we give you something you're going to be stuck with for the rest of your life. We have picked out some beautiful (we think) names that each have a significant meaning to us...so we hope you like whatever we choose.

So my food for thought for you this week is...if you want to be a real surprise think about positioning yourself just right at our next ultrasound so we can't find out what you are ;-)

Love you!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First "Official" Doctor's Appointment

Well Peanut...you're real! Not that you weren't before, but yesterday we heard your sweet little heartbeat and got to see you for the first time! I'm probably a little biased, but you're a pretty cute little peanut :) You measured at 8 weeks and 4 days. So we're not going to change your due date which is 11/24, but if we're technical and count from 8 weeks and 4 days, your due date would be 11/29, which is Grandpa Carter's (and mommy's cousin John's) birthday!!!! So you take your time and come when you're ready.

For the time being, we are seeing Jo Jean Hamilton, a nurse practioner at St. John's River District Health in Marysville. She'll be taking care of us until about 36 weeks along, then we'll transfer to one of the OB doctors at the practice. She's amazing and I really like her. I feel very comfortable with our decision and she's been seeing me for almost 3 years now.

The Jo Jean said everything looked great...all of my blood work came back great. We're going to monitor a few things closely because of family history...so I will be tested for gestational diabetes about 6 weeks earlier than normal because Grammy Carter had that with all 5 of her kids. We're also going to monitor your size closely...we talked about the fact that Grammy Carter had BIG babies and Grandma Mayhew had small babies. So we're hoping for a nice mix, but JUST IN CASE, this mommy isn't going to be having a 10 pound baby, two weeks over due ;-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Appointment

Today was my first doctor's appointment...actually it was a nurse appointment. I met with a wonderful nurse at St. John's River District Women's Health practice in Marysville, her name is Jennifer. We confirmed the pregnancy with a urine test then she took blood to run other tests too. And we chatted all about my health history, things I need to know, my prenatal visit schedule, and she loaded me up with a huge folder of information to read.

Everything looks good and the estimated due date she gave me was November 24...so looks like you'll be a turkey baby :) Next Wednesday is the really exciting day...we're going to have our first ultrasound, daddy and I will be able to hear your little heartbeat. It's a viability ultrasound to make sure you're in there and growing and developing and to see if the estimated due date is correct (of course very few babies come when due...it's just a hopefuly light at the end of the tunnel).

Next week, after we hear that sweet fast little heartbeat of yours, we'll make your presence known to the world and debut your blog :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Internet predictions


Mommy was playing on the internet this afternoon and found this site with predictions...I answered a few questions and here's what it said. I'm asking you to keep a few things in mind...please, please, please don't make me wait 35 hours for you!!!!! I like the second prediction much better. Isn't 40 weeks enough ;-) Love you!

Madame Zaritska, using her mystical powers, has the following prediction:

This one I said my favorite color was deep pink...
The day you deliver, outside will be stormy. Your baby will arrive in the early evening. After a labor lasting approximately 35 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and will be 17 inches long. This child will have dark brown eyes and a lot of red hair.

This one I said my favorite color was light blue...
The day you deliver, outside will be light. Your baby will arrive in the early morning. After a labor lasting approximately 12 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 1 ounces, and will be 21 -1/2 inches long. This child will have light hazel eyes and a lot of blonde hair.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A note from your daddy

Hi Peanut,

It's your daddy, sorry it took me so long to write you. I am not very good at writing.

So...I want to tell you about the day I found out you were a part of our family. It was March 19, 2009, my birthday. I was not excited about turning 30. It was a pretty normal day at work. There wasn't a lot to do so the day seemed to drag on, but finally it was time to go home. On my way home I was thinking about seeing your mommy. Everyday I get excited about seeing your mommy. I was surprised she was home already. When I walked in the door she stopped me half way up the stairs. I didn't even hear what she said at first. Then she said, with her eyes filling with tears, "Happy Birthday Daddy!" I knew then she was serious. I was so happy words can't describe how happy I was. She took two more tests to make sure. Then we went to tell your Grandma Carter and cousin Dakota. We also called Grandpa Carter on the phone. They were all very excited. I called Grandma and Grandpa Mayhew, but I couldn't get a hold of them. When I told your Aunt Tracy and Aunt Kim they were also so excited. Finally I got a hold of Grandma and Grandpa Mayhew and they were also so happy. We went to dinner and came home to watch some t.v. and then went to bed. That's what happened the day I found out I was going to be your dad!

Now, I would like to tell you about your mommy. When I first saw her I thought "man, she sure is pretty." I thought for sure she would not want anything to do with me. Then later on after we started to get to know each other she programmed her phone numbers (home and work) into my cell phone. That's when I knew I would get to see her again. After that we started our life together. Your mom is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. She is kind and caring. She loves to help people out no matter what they ask.

One of the first things I noticed about your mom is that she loved her family a lot. She would do anything for them. That's how I knew she would be a great wife and mom. You better watch it though, she will call you out on things. Believe me she keeps a close eye on me and I'm sure she will keep one on you too. It is probably a good thing I am a lot like Grandpa Mayhew because your mommy is a very strong, smart and independent woman. She has accomplished a lot in her life. She went to college and now works for a non-profit company. She has a good head on her shoulders. She also loves the Lord, which I also do. God is going to be a part of our family's life. "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15.

Your mommy is going to love you with all of her heart. I know because she loves me with all of her heart. You are going to be the luckiest kid in the world. I can't wait until you come into our lives.

I love you, see you in 9 months!

P.S. I still like the nickname Bubba!

Friday, March 27, 2009

This is how crazy your mommy is

I just wanted to share with you baby (as I am sure you heard last night when I was so excited) that I found out that Rob Thomas, my all time favorite musician, will be releasing an ablum on June 30. And like most of his music, the album is titled appropriately for your impending arrival...it will be called "cradlesong." I will be sure to play it for you when I get the CD and hopefully you will love his music as much as I do.

Ok...now back to working on developing that little heart of yours! Love you, mommy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

All About Your Daddy

Dear Peanut,

Yes, your daddy has already given you a nick name...Peanut. Which is much better than his original nick name of Bubba!

Your daddy is a pretty amazing guy and you're the luckiest kid in the world to have him in your corner. I remember when I met him for the first time, I was a little skeptical, but he was so cute and funny and just being with him was easy. I am positive you'll find this out about him too, he's just very calming to be around. And I had to marry him because he had blue eyes...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, there's a 50-50 chance according to our genetics :)

Your daddy works hard for Mortimer Lumber, a big family owned lumber company in the Port Huron area. He's been there on and off for the last 10 years. He would tell you he doesn't like it, but I think he really does. He has some wonderful friends there and he's really good at what he does. He's going to be the perfect example of how to be a hard worker and the importance of work ethic.

Daddy is also exited to teach you all of the fun stuff like how to ride a bike and play baseball. He's also glad that he'll be getting some help in the yard and garden. However, I keep having to remind him that it's going to take some time before we can get you out in the garden.

But the three things you really need to know about your daddy are:
1. He has more love in his heart for you and me than I ever thought was possible. He will always love us no matter what is going on, do not ever doubt that!
2. He is silly. Just roll with this one, he's goofy, he'll try to embarass you, probably before you even understand what embarassment is! He will make you laugh and teach you funny things. I hope this bonds the two of you and that you'll be able to laugh with him through your whole life.
3. You're already wrapped around his finger. Use this knowledge wisely! I know I have to :) He will do anything for you, just don't take advantage of it!

Dear Baby Mayhew

My sweet baby,

It has been 5 and a half days since daddy and I found out you were going to join our family. It was Thursday, March 19 that we discovered we are pregnant. I had a funny feeling that you might be surprising us soon, but I wasn't quite sure. I thought since it was daddy's birthday what a great present it would be to tell him you were really on your way. (Daddy had a hard time turning 30, he was afraid of all of the dreams he had that weren't realized yet, finding out about you made it all disappear) So I took a test, you know those lines are quite faint, but according to the directions it didn't matter how faint the lines were as long as there was a cross AND THERE WAS!

I paced for the next 25 minutes until daddy came home, when he walked in the door I told him "happy birthday daddy!" He looked at me funny for a minute then it all hit him!!!! He was SO excited, probably as excited as I was. We decided to take another test, just to make sure and this time the lines weren't so faint :) So we decided we were going to tell your grandparents! First was our trip to see Grammy Carter and your cousin Dakota...grammy is very excited to have a baby again, and Dakota is very happy that he will not be the only grandchild on that side anymore (plus he says he's getting too old to sit on grammy's lap). We called Grampy Carter too so he could hear the good news. Later that night we finally found Grandma and Grandpa Mayhew and shared our exciting news with them (in true grandpa Mayhew form, daddy says he let out a praise the Lord! upon hearing out news).

Since it was daddy's birthday the day we found out about you, we headed to dinner at PF Chang's...not sure if it was you or my changing taste buds, but spicy things are a little too spicy lately. Your daddy already had a plan to get the house in order for your arrival before we made it to dinner. We both agree we need a bathtub for you to take a swim in when you're old enough! Plus, your room needs to be painted!

I made my first doctor's appointment on Friday. We'll be finding out more details about you and this whole pregnancy situation on April 14. Daddy says he can't wait that long, but he doesn't understand you need some time to grow :)

After poking around on my new favorite website and finding their due date calculator, I am going to estimate that you'll be joining our world sometime around November 24. So you'll be a Thanksgiving baby, which exites daddy and I because we're pretty sure all of your extended family will be in the area for the holiday. I am only a little sad because I bought a Christmas onesie in a size 9 months thinking you'd be a spring or summer baby. So as much as I want you to wear the "You're All I Want for Christmas" onesie to Mass, I'd appreciate it if you could keep the birth weight to a "reasonable" number. BIG babies on mommy's side and pretty average on daddy's...so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I haven't noticed too many changes...just a lot on the outside, like not drinking so much pop (which your mommy loves!) and making sure it's caffiene free. I notice myself making sure I have my seatbelt on before I turn the car on and protecting my tummy when in a crowded place. I don't crave anything yet! Just hungry most of the time, and no sickness (keep your fingers crossed for me) but I am sure tired!

In a few weeks we'll make your presence known to the world (a few people already know...your daddy has a big mouth when he's excited)...in the mean time, work on developing that heart and lungs and growing a little bigger than the sesame seed you are now.

I love you already peanut!