Thursday, July 23, 2009

3rd Ultrasound Should be the ONE!

Dear Peanut...
We had another ultrasound last week at the hospital with the big, new machine...and well GUESS WHAT?!?! I'm sure you already know. We found out almost everything. But after our doctor's visit yesterday we discovered we need yet another ultrasound.

I understand keeping your privates underwraps...but seriously, your heart?!?! What gives baby? So in three weeks we're going to try again, two measurements are missing. And the only one I can remember at this moment is the fact that they can not get you in a position to see all the chambers of your heart. JoJean said she is not worried at this point because everything else looks good and you have a strong heartbeat, but we still need to check! At least this time I don't have to drink so much water.

And we caved at the hospital and decided to find out what you were...well the ultrasound tech said "well this could mean it's a boy, or it could just be it's umbilical cord." So thank you for keeping it a surprise. Daddy's convinced you're a boy, but I'm not so sure about that. Plus three different people have told me they were told they were having a boy and turned out to be a girl....

Another thing we need to talk about...I enjoy your kicking most days, it's a reassuring feeling. But I do not think it's appropriate for you to kick when the heart monitor is on my stomach :) Yesterday at the doctor's office every time JoJean tried to put the dopler on my stomach to hear your heartbeat you'd kick it away! Now I think you're just being difficult :)

So, I'm not ashamed to begin bargaining with you...this week your daddy and I began registering for your shower. Well, your daddy went a little crazy in the toy area and registered for every LOUD, flashy, toy there was. If we get any of these can only play with them if the next ultrasound goes well. If it doesn't, I'm returning them and using the money to buy diapers! But I somehow have a feeling this is about where your mother begins to learn that she's really not in charge anymore.

On a different note, the house is coming along SLOWLY...hopefully we can paint this weekend, keep your fingers crossed on that one!

Rest well my little one...we'll be seeing your pretty little face in 3 weeks!

Love you

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Knock, knock...or kick, kick

On Monday night, daddy and I were at the house doing a few things before heading to Lexington and daddy was banging on a wall that needed to come down and I felt this funny feeling. Then it stopped, then daddy started banging again and the funny feeling came back. Then daddy came into the living room to help me with something and I told him, "I think I felt the baby kick." He stood up quickly and said "WHAT?!?!" And at that moment...another kick :)

It's reassuring to feel the tiny kicks. I appreciate you letting me know you're in there. It's especially nice to feel when your daddy is talking or signing to you or when I'm sitting in my quiet office.

Now...daddy just can't wait till he can feel too :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh sweet, beautiful, uncooperative child...

Yup, I'm talking to you! Uncooperative! When I meant we were excited to see your smiling face, I didn't mean for you to not show off anything else :)

Today was our "official" ultrasound where they make sure you're growing properly, that your heart is good, that blood is flowing through your body, take measurements, check placenta position and aminotic fluid level...and most times can tell what the sex is. Well my sweet child...thank you for at least allowing them to measure your head, spine and stomach. And that's it!!!!!!! And when she, let the student take over to just do pictures for your daddy and I to have, all we could get was your sweet (and I'm sure I saw a smirk on your face) face. Could barely get a picture of your foot!!!!

So we're off to the hospital where there is a better machine that will hopefully be able to take all of the measurements needed.
Here's what we did find out:
1. Placenta is positioned where it should be. GOOD!
2. Aminotic fluid level is good! Wonderful!
3. You are measuring at 19 weeks and 1 day...according to first ultrasound you should be 19 weeks and 2 days! Beautiful!
4. You weigh 11 ounces! Holy cow!
5. You do have two legs, two feet, two arms (although because of how you were laying and the fact that you decided to be lazy today, it was difficult to find the other one!). That's what we were hoping for!
6. Your heart beat is 156. Running the same and in a normal range!

Here's what we would have liked to know:
1. If all of the chambers of your heart have formed and there are no abnormalities or problems. Kid...your heart is important, we'd like to know this information.
2. Your brain. Apparently there was something about your brain we were suppose to find out today. Again this is important honey!
3. Crown to rump measurement...really I just want to know if you're getting any of Grandpa Mayhew's height :)
4. Sex...well maybe not really, but I wouldn't be opposed to you ruining this surprise :)
5. Blood flow from your umbilical cord to certain organs....again very important!

Here's the game plan:
In two weeks, July 15, your mother will be forced to drink all that liquid again in 1 hour (mind you, you will be bigger then, so it might be more difficult to hold it in!) and we'll go to River District Hospital where they have machines even little babies can't fool!!! Hahaha...your mother always wins ;-) Just kidding, the ultrasound machine at the hospital is newer and better than the machine at the doctor's office. You'll also be two weeks bigger so it should be more helpful in finding parts!

We also found out...We do not have to go back to the doctor for 3 weeks because my blood pressure is doing good. Today was a little high, but lots of movement and excitment before we took it. I gained 5 pounds...normally a good thing, but since you and your accompanyments only weigh just over a 1 pound, not so good. I am only suppose to gain 10 through the whole pregnancy. Overall though, not too much to worry about because I'm only 2 pounds over where I started when I first went to the doctor. And possibly the best news....NO GESTATIONAL DIABETES! Yet I should say :0 We were tested early because of a family history (grammy had it with all 5 of her kids). But my sugar level was 127 at 140 they worry, JoJean said it looked good. We will test again at 28 weeks, which is around when they usually test, just to be sure, but for now, we're good.

That's about all from the doctor's appointment today.

Your daddy is hard at work taking down walls as I type. He's been going at it for two hours so far. We've made it through three rooms and into the bathroom! I'm headed to Lexington now while daddy finishes up here. Tomorrow we're doing a walk through with Chris to talk about what exactly we want the house to look like. I'm very excited...although not too thrilled about making final decisions about paint colors (sometimes choices are hard!).

Well hope you're resting well in that warm little home of yours. I realized last week when I was at the dentist that when I go back in 6 months I'll have pictures of you to show off! I also realized that next week, we'll be 1/2 way through this.

Love you bunches, and I understand that it will be funny sometimes to give mommy and daddy a hard time...but if you could at least cooperate at the next ultrasound I would appreciate it. We want to make sure all your parts are functioning properly!!!

mommy :)