Thursday, April 23, 2009

First "Official" Doctor's Appointment

Well're real! Not that you weren't before, but yesterday we heard your sweet little heartbeat and got to see you for the first time! I'm probably a little biased, but you're a pretty cute little peanut :) You measured at 8 weeks and 4 days. So we're not going to change your due date which is 11/24, but if we're technical and count from 8 weeks and 4 days, your due date would be 11/29, which is Grandpa Carter's (and mommy's cousin John's) birthday!!!! So you take your time and come when you're ready.

For the time being, we are seeing Jo Jean Hamilton, a nurse practioner at St. John's River District Health in Marysville. She'll be taking care of us until about 36 weeks along, then we'll transfer to one of the OB doctors at the practice. She's amazing and I really like her. I feel very comfortable with our decision and she's been seeing me for almost 3 years now.

The Jo Jean said everything looked great...all of my blood work came back great. We're going to monitor a few things closely because of family I will be tested for gestational diabetes about 6 weeks earlier than normal because Grammy Carter had that with all 5 of her kids. We're also going to monitor your size closely...we talked about the fact that Grammy Carter had BIG babies and Grandma Mayhew had small babies. So we're hoping for a nice mix, but JUST IN CASE, this mommy isn't going to be having a 10 pound baby, two weeks over due ;-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Appointment

Today was my first doctor's appointment...actually it was a nurse appointment. I met with a wonderful nurse at St. John's River District Women's Health practice in Marysville, her name is Jennifer. We confirmed the pregnancy with a urine test then she took blood to run other tests too. And we chatted all about my health history, things I need to know, my prenatal visit schedule, and she loaded me up with a huge folder of information to read.

Everything looks good and the estimated due date she gave me was November looks like you'll be a turkey baby :) Next Wednesday is the really exciting day...we're going to have our first ultrasound, daddy and I will be able to hear your little heartbeat. It's a viability ultrasound to make sure you're in there and growing and developing and to see if the estimated due date is correct (of course very few babies come when's just a hopefuly light at the end of the tunnel).

Next week, after we hear that sweet fast little heartbeat of yours, we'll make your presence known to the world and debut your blog :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Internet predictions


Mommy was playing on the internet this afternoon and found this site with predictions...I answered a few questions and here's what it said. I'm asking you to keep a few things in mind...please, please, please don't make me wait 35 hours for you!!!!! I like the second prediction much better. Isn't 40 weeks enough ;-) Love you!

Madame Zaritska, using her mystical powers, has the following prediction:

This one I said my favorite color was deep pink...
The day you deliver, outside will be stormy. Your baby will arrive in the early evening. After a labor lasting approximately 35 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and will be 17 inches long. This child will have dark brown eyes and a lot of red hair.

This one I said my favorite color was light blue...
The day you deliver, outside will be light. Your baby will arrive in the early morning. After a labor lasting approximately 12 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 1 ounces, and will be 21 -1/2 inches long. This child will have light hazel eyes and a lot of blonde hair.