Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Six Weeks!

Oh Eli...six weeks already! Where has the time gone...and can you please slow down?!?! I kind of miss my tiny little newborn already :) I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. You were awfully precious in your Christmas outfits (3 to be exact...well plus all the Christmas onesies!). Here's a picture of you in your Santa and reindeer sweater and awesome dress pants! You were quite the cutie, and very well behaved at Mass.

For a baby, you did pretty well in the gift category! Uncle Jude spoiled you with a bunch of cute clothes for when you're a little older, can't wait to get you into your stylist new jeans. And Aunt Kim and your cousins got you some fun toys to play with. Overall you did pretty well baby!

It hardly seems like six weeks ago we were getting ready to leave for the hospital for you to be born. I really can't remember what life was like before you got here. And well with how cute you are, and what a wonderful cuddler you've become I don't know why I would want to ;-) We managed to make it through the first six weeks without any major trauma to you, me or your daddy! We've had a few issues with reflux...but with the help of your wonderful pediatrician I think we've finally figured it out. You're a much better eater and a happier baby...which makes bedtime much easier! Although we've had challenges with reflux, you definitely don't have a problem eating...we went to the doctor last week and you weighed in at 11 pounds and 14 ounces...quite the little chunker! The doctor says we have nothing to worry about unless you stop gaining weight and that we have to remember you were a big baby to begin with! I'm a little sad that we've already had to start weeding out clothes because you're getting too big for them, but we all know you have PLENTY of clothes!

Mommy is not really looking forward to going back to work, because I hate to leave you all day! But I'm going to enjoy the next three weeks of time with you. A bittersweet of the next few weeks is that your daddy will be home with us! And you'll get to spend a few weeks alone with him after I go back to work. Unfortunately he's getting a one month layoff for January. It's nice because we'll get to spend all sorts of time with him, but being off work is never a good thing!
I can't believe I'm already saying this...but you can slow down whenever you want! Love you baby!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

One Month Already?!?!?

One Month!
11 pounds 1 ounce
22 inches!

Oh Eli...where has the time gone? I never believed it when other parents said it went by fast...but it does! It's been a challenge but such a joy, we're learning to trust our insticts and realize we know you better than anyone!
We weathered one goopy eye which was just a blocked tear duct and we're now dealing with reflux. Last week we couldn't figure out why you were stuffy and spitting up so frequently and why our normally good sleeper had disappeared, so we took a trip to the doctor who suggested we switch your formula...that worked for a while until you got constipated. I never thought I would be so thankful to see poop :) We ended up putting you on medication which will hopefully make you feel better and eating a little less painful until you grow out of this.
You're a very relaxed and happy baby. You love looking at the ceiling fan and being held so you can lift your head off our shoulders and look at us. Reading is one of your favorite things to do, which makes mommy very happy! Daddy likes to tell you about all of the things you're going to do together when you get bigger. If you ask me, it sounds like he's preparing you for chores ;-)
You're getting so big already and part of me wants to say SLOW down...but more of me is excited to hear to coo more and see your personality continue to develop.
Love you sweet baby, can't believe you've been here a month already!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Where does the time go

What daddy and I are calling your first "official" smile
This is a common Eli pose

Serious look, getting ready to head out

Not a fan of your mommy's photo shoots!

Where has the last three weeks gone baby?!?! It's hard to believe that three weeks ago tonight daddy and were laying in bed talking about our last night alone in the house before your arrival. And now our little turkey has celebrated his first Thanksgiving!!!!

As expected, you're pretty good at doing what most babies do best...eat, sleep and poop! But we'll take it, because you're such a good baby!

I discovered how much you LOVE being read to and how much you like being told you are loved! You're starting to smile a little bit when we talk to you. And daddy's convinced it's just a matter of time before you start "talking" to us...you pucker your lips up and look like you're really trying to find your voice.

My favorite thing right now is your little squeaks and whines while you sleep...it's like you know we're watching you and just thought you'd make a noise for us :) Daddy noticed tonight you would start to cry and then open your eyes to see him standing over you then stop...quite the little attention getter, but that's to be expected!

The jury is still out on who you look like. Tonight I thought for sure you looked like a Carter! But other times you look just like you daddy. You definitely have your dad's chin and nose. And lately your eyes have been looking mighty blue. But that hair, mommy is taking ALL the credit for your hair!

We did take an unexpected trip to the doctor last week, your eye was getting goopy (official medical terminology kid!). Turns out you were a little stuffy and had a blocked tear duct. The doctor assured me that this is normal for newborns and we're taking good care of it and it's already clearing up! We weighed you at the doctor and you're a CHAMP, you weighed 9 pounds and 12 ounces, quite the little chunker, but you scrunch your face up when I call you a little piggy :)

We're looking forward to a couple more quite weeks before Christmas, we might have our first snow storm this week, we'll see if it turns to snow. Aunt Caitlin will be coming home soon to meet you for the first time! I can tell you're excited about this every time I tell you about her!

We're also starting to get this sleeping thing down a little better, still working on it though...mommy could use your help with this! In the mean time, we'll just keep enjoying EVERY minute with you!