Friday, April 23, 2010

22 weeks old and no new posts in 6! Bad Mudder!!!

It's a good thing you're such a happy baby...I've been a bad "mudder" and haven't been posting regularly to your blog. And now I'm not quite sure I can remember the 6 weeks that have passed to update on your growth!

WE HAVE A SLEEPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a darn precious one at that :) Eli is generally ready for bed between 8 and 9 (usually closer to 8 unless he's snuck in a cat nap). And he usually sleeps really well until between 6 and 7! We're lucky. This has been happening since about the 4 month mark, he was doing really well up to then too, but at 4 months we dropped a night feeding! Now our challenge is your movement...yup, squirmy little baby ALL over the crib at night and usually wakes up after he's wedged himself into a corner or rolled into a side. Last night daddy found him laying opposite (opposite end, opposite direction) of where we laid him for bed, and he had his legs pulled up, whimpering, rocking himself like a little turtle that's fallen on his back and can't roll over! It was too cute.

And yes, precious baby you were Baptized, not entered into some stellar 80's tuxedo beauty pagent! We celebrated with family and friends on April 18. You were baptized by Father Brian at St. Stephen's. We're so blessed to have an amazing group of supporters and wonderful church family. You were definitely a hit!

Proud Godparents: MacKenzee Carter and Ryan Holland

Being Baptized

And we've started solids!!!!!!!!! Well not really, cause it's more a pureed mess than actual solids, but you're eating :) Right now just oatmeal and sometimes prunes or bananas, but we're gearing up for some more foods. It's so cute to watch you eat and you enjoy it SOO much!

And Easter was celebrated somewhere in the 6 weeks I missed! Here's you in your cute little Easter sweater. No basket this year, as I was pretty sure you were too young still...sorry babe, next year!

Thankfully spring has sprung in the 6 weeks since our absence. We've had some WONDERFUL weather and have taken the opportunity to enjoy it. We went to the park one afternoon and tried the swings out. I think your expression here says it all...of course you LOVED it. You also enjoyed the view of the water and seeing your first freighter.

And this, my beautiful baby has become my all time favorite picture of you. I captures your beauty so perfectly and is such a real, candid picture of the face I get to enjoy every day! Now that you're starting to move more, I begin to miss my "tiny" baby but I am also so excited to get home every day to see all of your newly mastered "skills." You've rolled over here and there and this week you've mastered it. And you're sitting on your own for a few minutes at a time. Last night while sitting you started reaching for toys and steadying yourself when you're about to tip. The steadying works for a few times, then it doesn't. But it's still a milestone you have time to work on...I'm not sure I'm ready to walk into the living room and see you sitting there without someone close! And we've got a creeper! On your back it's more of the turtle on his shell but on your tummy you like to wiggle your way around. Diaper changing has become a challenge when you're active to.
Our other exciting milestone recently has been you recognizing your name! It's amazing now to see you turn when someone calls or says Eli!
The most amazing part of this journey besides watching you grow and discover something new every day (your hands were a funny discovery to watch!)'s amazing being your mommy and seeing you smile when I come into a room, or pick you up from your crib after a nap. I am also continually amazed that when you're cranky I can get you to calm down. It's a silly little thing I use to watch other mothers do and be in awe. And now I can't believe I can do that too!
I love you and love being your mommy! I'm so excited you're getting to the cool discovery phase and where you're starting to get mobile! I'll post videos of your adventures :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A BIG evening in the Mayhew House!

Well Eli, you did it!!! At 16 weeks and 4 days you've officially ROLLED over from your tummy to your back!

Here's the story...we had a bottle about 5:30 and were playing in mommy and daddy's bed for a little bit, and after your bottle we propped you up on your tummy on a pillow and were "talking." It looked like then you were favoring one side so we decided to move to pillow to see if you'd roll over. Well the bed looked too soft so we got your blanket and laid it on the bedroom floor and there you were pushing yourself up and leaning to the right side and showing your tummy. soon as mommy walked out of the room (to turn off the bath water because in this process of this I changed your diaper and you peed EVERYWHERE), you rolled over, Daddy tried yelling, but I couldn't get there quick enough.

And of course all of our attempts afterwards have produced very dramatic wails and face plants!

But two other things also happened today...first daddy sat you up in the middle of the couch and you were able to hold yourself there! And then after the roll over you were playing on your back and had a rattle in one hand, normally when you want to suck your thumb you just throw your toy, well tonight you grabbed your rattle with your other hand then put your thumb in your mouth!

Didn't know we could be this excited about something small!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's been a while

Well baby, it's been a while since we've posted anything...we've been a little lazy with posting. SO to hold your fans over, here are some pictures we had taken this weekend! Love them!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I like reading!

Daddy bought me a book about Trucks. This is my favorite book! I like to stare at the pictures and see all the big trucks!

Daddy and I reading the "I really like trucks!" I am pointing to the diggers!
So serious about trucks

Aunt Caitlin bought you a book that she could record her voice reading to you! It's nice to listen to Aunt Caitlin read!

Mommy's favorite book! I love you so. It's amazing!

Monday, February 8, 2010

12 Weeks Tomorrow!

How stinking cute are you in this robe?!?! We had you in the cutest little polo shirt and pants and you had other we ended up in a mid day bath so mommy took this opportunity to put you in your bath robe and take a few pictures! You were pretty cooperative!

And because you're growing like a weed, we've had to invest in some new sleepers for you! Here's mommy's favorite new sleeper and my favorite sleeping pose of my favorite little guy! You're always wrapping your hands up under your chin to sleep, it's adorable!
Don't be embarassed, just wanted everyone to see how big you are getting...everyone loves a chunky baby...and it will be gone before we know it I'm sure as soon as you get mobile we'll probably be dealing with droopy drawers and skinny little legs!

Just showing off your cute little tennis shoes from Uncle Jude!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Almost 10 Weeks

How can you not be happy to wake up at 6 a.m. when this is the face you get to see in the morning? I'm not really sure, cause I can't help but smile EVERY morning when I get to pick you up baby :) Next Tuesday you'll be 10 weeks's hard to believe, but it's true. Here's 10 reasons why I'm the luckiest mommy in the world
1. You're perfect...really, Eli you are. You're a beautiful child, you have a perfect little head with perfect little hair that stands straight up, you have perfect big blue eyes that light up when you smile, you have perfect chubby cheeks with perfect little dimples when you smile, you have a perfect little temperament. You're just perfect!
2. You're a little me, you're a little bit of daddy...every time you stick out your bottom lip I chuckle and wonder what I'm in for. Daddy said it best tonight when he was holding you while you were just beginning to pout because you weren't getting attention "we're in trouble, he's doing the same thing you do!" But you're so relaxed like your daddy is, and you have his eyes and full lips, you like to hide your face when you sleep and I'm pretty sure those cute little chunky legs of yours are just like your daddy's!
3. Your smile is lights up the room, it makes every day better, it's the most precious sight I have ever seen.
4. You give new meaning to an already full life...who knew we weren't really living until you came into our lives. Your daddy and I ran around, busy every night, spending time here and there, trying to do this and get that done, we wanted this and that, we had plans to do all sorts of things. But we've realized what's important and all that's important now is you...we could sit home all day with you if we had to, we could give up everything for you, as long as you're happy and healthy we are. We don't need things or people to make our lives whole because we have you and you are a perfect fit for the void we didn't know existed.
5. Holding you is the best feeling in the world. Awake, noon, in the morning, at night, at 3 a.m. with no's the best when you snuggle deep into our necks and let out a little sigh of contentment.
6. You're a growing, growing, growing little human! At the rate you're going, we'll have to buy new clothes about 6 months earlier than we ever thought! At your two month well baby visit (Jan. 20) you were 14 pounds 8 ounces and 25.5 inches long. That puts you in the 95% percentile for growth. Those little rolls are precious and just fine! You're happy and healthy and that's what matters.
7. You wrap everyone around your finger the moment they meet you! I don't know if it's your sweet baby smell, that perfect round face of yours, your sweet smile or your coos...but one look and people LOVE you.
8. I knew your dad was a good man when I married him...but watching him with you is amazing! It makes me love you both more than I ever thought possible.
9. We made it...there were days when I wondered if I was doing the right thing, if I was taking care of you the right way, if you were content/satisfied/happy and we made it to the stage where you can tell me! And not with words, but I've managed to figure it out...the coos, the whimpers, the looks, the cries. I've figured you out and we've made it through the sleepless nights, the cold, the reflux, the adventures out of the house, your first bath...we did it kid!
10. You make love have a whole new meaning...and that's the best feeling in the world babe!
I love you Eli

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Two Months Old

Wow Eli, it's been two months already and we've all survived! Here are some cute pictures from today! You're getting big. We have an appointment on Wednesday so we'll be able to update on all your stats then. But there's no question you're getting bigger!
Much to our pleasure you're sleeping for about 5 or 6 hours at a time during the night! We just need to get you to go to be like to sleep in until about 9!
You've discovered your hands and how much fun they are to wave around and suck on! And you talk up a storm! You also give kisses when asked! Which is really just you turning your head to mommy's voice :) But I'll take it.
We'll post more pictures and info about your growing body on Wednesday!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Seven Weeks

Dear Eli,

Yesterday you were seven weeks old! I can hardly believe it. I am sitting here in the brief moment of quiet I have while you and your daddy take a nap! I am celebrating you being around for seven weeks, but I wish it was a little happier around here. Unfortunately I don't think your first seven weeks were as idyllic as we thought they would be. Although I must say you're quite the happy baby regardless.

You and I have made fast friends with your pediatrician, Dr. Zmiejko. Which would be expected since we've seen him all but one week of your short life...and the week we didn't see him, he and I had a nice phone conversation about you! After two routine visits for weight check and healthy baby checks, we spent three weeks trying to figure out your reflux! Which thankfully to your worrisome mommy is a fairly common baby ailment since sometimes the "flap" between your esophagus and tummy isn't fully developed and gets better as you get older and start standing and gravity can help. Either way we tried three different things and the third thing seemed to be a charm....for a while. Remember that phone conversation...we'll the medication and a formula switch did wonders for you and let me tell you my sweet baby that was such a good sleeper is back!

So now that daddy and I figured out your reflux and were excited about finally having a baby that was feeling better you came down with the sniffles!!!! Boy do I wish I could teach you how to blow! It seemed like just at the time the sniffles arrived you discovered what your hands can do and that they open and it's not necessary to keep them clenched in fists all the time. And I'm not sure if you really can but you definitely know what the saline nose spray bottle and the nasal aspirator look like! You've swatted those away plenty of times. Much to our relief when we took you to the doctor we were reassured it was just a little cold and that we were doing everything right...plenty of feedings, humidifier, saline drops, sometimes sitting in the steamy bathroom. And you'd be on your way to feeling better in no time!

Not so we found out you have a double ear infection! As daddy reminded me I can not keep feeling guilty for all the little things so I'll spare you the guilty mommy blog post, but we feel TERRIBLE for you. I'm happy to report that we seem to have caught the ear infection early and we now are watching out for a bronchial infection which Dr. Zmiejko told us what to listen for. We've got an antibiotic and hopefully you'll be feeling better in no time! I'm also happy to report you're still a very happy and smiley baby!!!!

So for now we're banishing ALL visitors and keeping you home and away from germs! In the mean time here's a picture from bathtime yesterday for your fans!

Another Eli

While your dad is a die hard Detroit Lions fan (not sure why since they can't seem to win a game or even look like a football team ;0) your cousin Dakota and I thought you needed a Eli Manning jersey since well, you share a name. And we'll put this out there right were in no way named after Mr. Manning. I just thought you'd be adorable in a little NFL jersey and since your cousin Dakoat has a Peyton Manning jersey we thought it would be cute to pose you two together in your Manning brothers jerseys (and we'll do that as soon as you're both feeling better!). You're looking pretty tough little guy ;-)