Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My very BIG baby....

Dear Peanut...

Thank you for making the entire doctor's office chuckle today after they picked their jaws off the floor. Thank you for making all the "predictors" right. Thank you for making your mom cry in Jimmy John's.

Today we had our 36 week check up and an ultrasound. We have been seeing JoJean since our first appointment, she is a nurse practitioner. At 36 weeks we knew we would be seeing her for the last time and begin seeing Dr. Kutsche for the remainder of the pregnancy, most likely 4 weeks. Then Dr. Kutsche would deliver you. WELL baby's how our last appointment went with JoJean...

Arrive and have our ultrasound. The ultrasound tech tells us you are FOR SURE a boy, she comments on how big your head it, tells us the fluid level looks good, placenta looks good...oh, looks like he's a little big but still good. She then begins taking a few pictures for us to have as keepsakes. Which I would post on here IF you were cooperative. We have a picture of your cute little, still very skinny feet. And a profile picture that you can KIND of tell you have mommy's nose. And well, we managed to get a picture of you STICKING YOUR TONGUE out at us!'ll hear this one over and over, you put your fist up to your mouth and licked your hand a few times, then turned your head and stuck your tongue out at us! Nice manners kid ;)

So then we get mommy's weight, we go potty, we take the blood pressure. Jennifer, our nurse leaves and comes back because she forgot something in the room...she giggles and says she knows how big you are and then leaves again. So enter JoJean...

Well, you're quite the baby. JoJean is laughing and tells us that you are good, healthy, everything looks good, BUT you are currently weighing in at 8 pounds and 11 ounces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!?!? On Tuesday, we were 36 you measured 39 weeks. On top of that here are your other stats:
Your head circumference: 42 weeks
Your abdomen: 41 weeks
Your femur: 37.5 weeks
In August you were in the 6oth percentile for growth
Today, you measured in the 90th percentile.

Chances of us making it to November 24, your due date, are VERY SLIM. While the placenta looks o.k. it is beginning to break down and show signs you're ready. So here's the game plan...
Next Wednesday, November 4, we have an appointment to go on the fetal monitor at the office for an hour. Then we'll be meeting with Dr. Kutsche. Chances are at that time we will schedule a date for induction. JoJean said because you're my first baby, we'll give it the old college try and attempt a natural birth...however because your HEAD is SO big and mommy's pelvis is NOT...we might be looking at a c-section. It will really depend upon how you're doing....but you'll probably arrive before we reach 38 weeks because of your size!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it two weeks you might be sitting next to me on the couch while I post pictures of you for all of your fans! I'm a little overwhelmed, but SOOOO excited for you to come. I have faith and trust in God that He will take care of us and everything will work out according to His plan...even you being a BIG baby ;-)

Love you baby....see you sooner than we expected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

We're ready for you and you have a name!

Peanut...we're getting SOOO close! Can you believe it?!?! Daddy and I can't! Tonight we finished our child birth classes, I'm not sure if you're ever really prepare, but I think we're ready. Daddy is pretty good at the relaxation techniques and SUPER good at the massage stuff we learned tonight! The nurse commented on how low I was carrying and saying she didn't think we'd make it until the 24th. And JoJean has been saying that all along, we're making sure we're ready for you around here.

This weekend we purchased your crib mattress and the weekend before that daddy spend Saturday putting together everything we got...the crib, swing, pack and play among other things. And he surprised me by putting up shelves in your closet! Now we just need to organize the closet. We managed to get the changing table organized and you now have your own special space in the bathroom. We bought the most perfect glider to spend time in rocking you and picked up a book case from your cousin Dakota!

Wednesday we have our regular appointment and our last ultrasound. We are so excited to see how big you've gotten and hear predictions about your arrival. We'll make sure to update your fans after the appointment.

Your daddy is leaving me this weekend, for a little road trip. He's headed to North Carolina with Uncle Ryan. Uncle Ryan bought a truck down there and he and daddy are going to go down to pick it up. Daddy's pretty excited about hanging out with him and spending a little time relaxing before you arrive. So, while I'm ready for you to come if you could wait until he comes back on Sunday at least, I'd appreciate it.

I'm hope this weekend everything will be cleaned up and organized around the house so I can take some pictures and post on your blog.

AND, thank you to everyone who voted to name you. Daddy and I have picked a name, a name we think is PERFECT for you and that we've loved all along. We're still keeping it a secret, but I would like to let your fans know that only 4 of the names we posted in the poll were names we were actually considering. And we did not pick Holden or Moses...sorry, we know Holden got the most votes and the Moses was Grandma Carter's favorite...but we settled on your name. We're also going to keep it a secret until you arrive, just on the off chance that you DO NOT look like the most perfect little *&# but more like a perfect little &#^@!%!!!

Say a special prayer for Aunt MacKenzee, she's having surgery on Friday...and Great Grandma Middleton who is flying back to New Mexico on Wednesday...and Grandma and Grandpa Mayhew who are driving back this weekend! They all need angles to watch over them!

We love you baby...and we're ready when you are :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our first worry

Oh Peanut...this morning was our first minor scare that you were headed our way a little earlier than expected! But thankfully, we were able to get into the doctor right away and reassured that everything I was experiencing was normal and that you were still perfectly protected and not ready to make your debut :) So happy about that!

We did schedule our next ultrasound for two weeks for today. That's where we'll find out how big you are and what everything looks like to prep for your arrival. Hopefully you're still in about the 60th percentile for growth so we can let you come in your own sweet time and don't have to worry about induction or c-sections.

Daddy and I are taking Childbirth classes, we had one on Monday night and are headed back to the hospital the next two Mondays for more education about preparing and caring for you when you arrive.

There is still so much to do before you get here! It's overwhelming at times. Daddy and I are focused on making sure all the necessities needed for your arrival are in place. Hopefully early next week we'll have your car seat checked and in place! And then there is all of this other stuff like making sure mommy's office is clean at work and everything is in place before she leaves and completing the insurance paperwork so we're not broke when I'm off :) But I know it will all get taken care of and if it doesn't it wasn't that important!

Daddy has been reading to you every night. I love it and I'm pretty sure you're enjoying the sound of his voice. He really wants you to get here so he can show you all the neat pop up books and touch and feel books you have! But for now, he's settling for reading. So far, Barnyard Dance is your favorite I think, with the Sesame Street Nighty Nighty book a close second....not sure if you were just sleeping already or if green eggs and ham didn't sound appetizing to you :)

Keep dancing away baby, we can't wait to meet you, but after this morning, I'll be patient and wait six more weeks.

Love and kisses, mommy

Monday, October 12, 2009

Holy Cow Baby

Oh Peanut...I know you heard all the commotion yesterday :) We had your baby shower, which was very exciting and overwhelming at the same time!!!!

Your aunts, Caitlin, Emily and MacKenzee did a wonderful job planning the shower. It was at Fore Lakes and we had a yummy feast of some food mom's been craving (soups, fruit, salad with ALL the fixings). And aunt Tayna made delicious cupcakes for dessert!

We had such a great turn out of family and friends who joined us to celebrate your upcoming arrival! And yesterday evening we spent time going through all of the gifts and sorting them. We're so thankful that we such amazing and generous friends and family who got you so many GREAT things! You'll be a clean, dry little guy with all the diapers, wipes and toiletries you received. And you'll FOR sure be the most stylish baby with all of the clothes you got (SOOOO CUTE) and hopefully not nearly as sassy as the onesies your aunt Caitlin brought home for you! And you'll be warm and snug during this cold winter with all of the beautiful blankets and a few specially made just for you (Grandma Mayhew, Aunt Betty and a friend of Grandma Mayhew's made)! And then there are the TOYS! Holy moley baby, you'll be amazing at all the lights and sounds and crinkles and such. And of course, there's your daddy's "man" stroller...which is a bigger version of an umbrella stroller that he plans on taking you for lots of walks in this spring and summer (I'll just have to remind him that we'll need to stop by the Boucher's house then walk over to the Taylor's house to show off the present!). And you'll be happy to know that you have a killer swing to relax in, a jumper roo to strengthen your legs in, a bouncy seat to calm you in and a johnny jump up to hang out in. OH and a play pen to keep you safe while you're still little. And not to mention so many fun things for tummy time! And most of all, I'm sure you'll be the SMARTEST baby ever since you have a BEAUTIFUL collection of books now! We're truly blessed.

Daddy has started to read to you, since you have a small library now. I think you really enjoyed your first book...The Barnyard Dance! Can't wait for Daddy and your aunt Roo to teach you to clap, stomp, quack and cluck along with the story!

You're a lucky baby and we are the luckiest parents in the world to have you joining our family in 6 weeks!!!!! Love you baby :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A brief moment to remember

Baby is October 1. It's an important day, today would have been your great grandma Carter's 85th birthday. Unfortunately she passed away...but I wanted you to know she was an amazing lady and for the short period of time she was in your mommy's life she loved us more than you could ever imagine. I am confident that you'll feel the same love from all of your grandparents that your mommy felt from her (maybe one of them will even share some pickle juice with you, like she did!).

Say a prayer for her today...I know she and all of your great grandparents who passed before meeting you or your daddy are going to keep a good eye on you from their seats in heaven.