Saturday, March 13, 2010

A BIG evening in the Mayhew House!

Well Eli, you did it!!! At 16 weeks and 4 days you've officially ROLLED over from your tummy to your back!

Here's the story...we had a bottle about 5:30 and were playing in mommy and daddy's bed for a little bit, and after your bottle we propped you up on your tummy on a pillow and were "talking." It looked like then you were favoring one side so we decided to move to pillow to see if you'd roll over. Well the bed looked too soft so we got your blanket and laid it on the bedroom floor and there you were pushing yourself up and leaning to the right side and showing your tummy. soon as mommy walked out of the room (to turn off the bath water because in this process of this I changed your diaper and you peed EVERYWHERE), you rolled over, Daddy tried yelling, but I couldn't get there quick enough.

And of course all of our attempts afterwards have produced very dramatic wails and face plants!

But two other things also happened today...first daddy sat you up in the middle of the couch and you were able to hold yourself there! And then after the roll over you were playing on your back and had a rattle in one hand, normally when you want to suck your thumb you just throw your toy, well tonight you grabbed your rattle with your other hand then put your thumb in your mouth!

Didn't know we could be this excited about something small!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's been a while

Well baby, it's been a while since we've posted anything...we've been a little lazy with posting. SO to hold your fans over, here are some pictures we had taken this weekend! Love them!